It is in the darkest of nights, that stars shine the brightest.
It is in the moments where we feel lost, that we find our Selves.
The Self that lives in alignment, harmony & balance with all the elements of nature & the Divine.


Over the last year, we have been bearing witness to the most inhumane acts committed against our brothers and sisters forcing us all to wake up from our slumber.

Whether that be in Palestine, Sudan, The Congo, Yemen, Syria, Iraq or Lebanon. In our own region and beyond.

Whether that be to our planet, our Great Mother, and all living beings everywhere. There has been an accumulation and concentration of traumas in our part of the world that are not only ancestral, but ongoing as I write this.

For many, this external darkness has brought forth the discovery of one’s own darkness. For many, this external war is showing us the fragmentation of our own inner world.

Where are we not in alignment with who we came here to be?

Where is it that we are being guided towards?

Returning Home

There have been many great awakenings throughout history and this point in time is one of them.

Can we, as a region see beyond our differences, belief systems, religious practices & social status to come together for a greater cause and mission?

If you feel like this past year has shaken you up and woken you up to deeper truths, about yourself and the world, I invite you to join me alongside 18 other teachers from our region for this two-day online free summit.

For decades, we have outsourced our talents from the outside. We learned from teachers & healers who may not have necessarily understood our lived experiences, our culture, our stories.

As grateful as we are for the lessons they brought us, it is now time to bring to light the teachers, healers, nutritionists, coaches, writers, mystics, alchemists, and cycle breakers who are not only familiar with your stories, but have also lived and worked through them.

This is the time to return home to us, in every meaning of the word.

To bridge the communities dispersed around our region.

To gather all of us truth seekers in one space.

Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.

Gibran Khalil Gibran

How this summit came about:

A day before the 8.8.8 portal, I found myself wide awake all night. My physical body was pulsing. Familiar with mystical experiences that take over in the later hours, I surrendered to the experience.

There was no stopping this process. I could not shut it down, nor did I want to. To do so, would be to hang up on a call I’ve been longing to receive.

 For the last few months, I’ve been praying and asking for a new path to reveal itself. A path that is aligned with what the current landscape needs. A heartfelt purpose that is centered around people and community. A commitment to being of greater service to the One.

Many years of walking the road less traveled, I’ve come across many teachings and teachers. From being a yoga student and teacher, to health coach, to studying hormonal and gut health, and Human Design, I’ve explored different avenues to better understand our human and energetic bodies.

Phoenix Rising is born with the intention of serving all beings that are on their healing journeys. It is to call back  the spiritual and wellness communities across the region that are going through their own awakenings and transformations. Bridging the existing communities and sharing the abundance of the fruits of our labor, is the heart and soul of this Summit.

Phoenix Rising is here to serve as a space to nourish, nurture, and contribute to the healing and transformation of our individual bodies and greater bodies. As interconnected beings, it only made sense to weave together a space that finally connects us all together.

The first of its kind, Phoenix Rising is bringing together over 18 teachers from our region to share their wisdom, their teachings, in an intimate space.

This is an opportunity for you to meet new teachers from the region, as well as connect with other like-spirited people that are on this same journey.


    1. Opening Ceremony with Maria | 9 - 10 AM

    This is where the Phoenix Rising Summit takes flight. This initial gathering is about laying the groundwork, fostering a sense of community and purpose. This session will include intention setting, prayers, meditation, and reflection on how this summit came about.

    1. Movement Medicine with Natalie | 10 - 11 AM

    A gentle class combining Qi Gong & Vinyasa Yoga designed to allow you RELEASE trauma and stress held in the body while also helping you RECHARGE by connecting to the breath and the Universal Light.

    1. Activate the Sacred Elements Within with Alyona and Sheian | 11 - 12 PM

    The elements make up life within our being and on our planet earth. We will study the elements air fire water and earth through the eyes of the sacred traditions. Learning to connect, pray and harmonize our relationship within.

    1. Decoding Limiting Beliefs with Alyah | 12 - 1 PM

    A workshop designed to help you understand what limiting beliefs are, how they can hold us back, and how to dissolve them. Learn how to decipher between autopilot conditioned behaviour and present moment information.

    1. Dancing through Frequencies with Elie El-Hage | 3 - 4 PM

    Experience "Dancing Through Frequencies," a workshop that guides you through a transformative journey using music tuned to the seven chakras. With eyes closed, move and explore your inner and outer self, embracing release and well-being through rhythmic, vibrational dance.

    1. Art of Embodying your True Essence with Human Designs and Tantra with Sarah | 4 - 5 PM

    Being uniquely YOU is truly an art. To master this art , you must embrace the full spectrum of the Human Experience, acknowledging both pain and pleasure, and accepting your light as well as your darkness.

    What does it take to be unapologetically you? It starts with knowing yourself and trusting your decisions, whether they lead to success or failure. The quality of one's life is often defined by the ability to make decisions and face their consequences.

    When you have the confidence to be your true self in every moment, you awaken your life force energy, ignite self-expression, align your purpose and open your intuition. This leads to a magically authentic life filled with genuine emotional connections.

    1. Understanding Your Nervous System with Alya | 5 - 6 PM

    Nervous system regulation is incredibly important when it comes to healing. A dysregulated system can cause a number of health issues. Learning about the nervous system and how to regulate it can empower you to take control over your well-being. Techniques such as deep breathing, somatic work, and meditation will be provided in this session.

    1. A calming practice of Hatha Yoga with Haya Yasmeen | 6 - 7 PM

    With a combination of Asana, Pranayama, and meditation, Haya Yasmeen will guide you through a class to help calm and stabilize the mind, nourish the body and free the spirit.

    1. Cultivating the Inner World: A Path to Knowing Self and God with Hadar | 7 - 8 PM

    How do we navigate our inner worlds? Our inner world is where our thoughts, emotions, and deeper truths reside, forming the foundation of our connection to the self. The path to God is through self-awareness, but how do we cultivate this connection? In this session, we will explore practical ways to deepen our relationship with ourselves and, in turn, with the Divine. Through meditation, teachings, communal sharing, and integrative exercises, we will embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

    1. Kundalini Yoga: A devotional practice with Mariam | 9 - 10 AM

    A dive into devotional practice with guided meditation, breathwork, and some movement to awaken the heart and the inner presence. Please join from a quiet space where you will feel free to move.

    1. Somatic Breathwork with Imad | 10 - 11 AM

    Release trapped emotions stored in the body to help you sleep better, stay focused, and manage stress.

    1. Stepping Into Your Personal Power with Sara | 11- 12 PM

    A transformative session designed to help you embrace and harness your inner strength. In this session, you will explore the four key elements of personal empowerment: Awareness, Inner Guidance, Choice Making, and Embodiment.

    This session is a remembrance of who you already are, your truest and highest self... it's time for you to reclaim your personal power.

    1. The Art of Intimacy with Aude | 12 - 1 PM

    Many of us yearn for deeper connection, meaning, and purpose. Intimacy, derived from the Latin word intima meaning "the innermost part," is the art of returning to our hearts and our sense of belonging.

    The more intimate we are with ourselves, the more intimate we can be with the world around us.

    This is a lost art, and like all great artists, practice is key. Only then can we truly let go of technique and embrace spontaneity.

    1. Unlock Your True Potential: An Introduction to Human Design with Caline | 3 - 4 PM

    Discover the basics of Human Design, including energy types, chart centers, and authorities. Learn how this transformative system can guide you in making empowered decisions, living authentically, and uncovering your true purpose in life.

    1. A Secure Base: The Path to Home Within with Julia | 4 - 5 PM

    Fracturing is an inevitable part of the human experience. In the face of uncertainty, fear, confusion, inconsistency, and trauma, the young mind must break into parts to cope. This fracture leads to an adulthood and relationships based on attachment to the external world, creating suffering, division, judgment, and projection.

    This workshop is about the path back home - how can we go from division within to inner unity? Can we heal what we perceive to be unlovable within us? How can our individual path to wholeness impact the world and create true peace on earth?

    1. Taoist Meditation & Energy Simulation with Tony Barrak | 5 - 6 PM

    In this workshop, you’ll be guided through breathing techniques, visualization, and energy activations to release any negative trapped frequencies in the body, recharge the organs (chakras), open the meridians, and activate your Qi.

    1. Entering Sacred Ceremony with Maya | 6 - 7 PM

    This session will provide a general introduction to help you set and prepare for ceremony. Who is it for? Who is it not for? If you’ve done one, then what? Maya will guide you through the importance of integration post-ceremony.

    1. Prayer for Peace: Chanting and Meditation with Dina Ghandour | 7 - 8 PM

    Join Palestinian healer and guide Dina Ghandour for an evening of pause and prayer. We will begin the session chanting a beautiful mantra for peace, and then move into silence and stillness with a guided meditation calling in healing for all those suffering. No experience needed, come with your open heart.

    1. Closing Ceremony | 8 - 8:30 PM

    In the final gathering, we will reflect on the insights gained, offer gratitude, and close the summit. This session will include meditation, collective sharing, and prayers to bring everything full circle.


The teachers chosen for this summit are the very people I learned from myself. They’re the ones I collaborated with in the past. These are the people that sparked my own spiritual and healing journey. These are some of our region’s best heart leaders, community builders, alchemists, cycle breakers, & storytellers.

  • Maria Amiouni

    Summit Host

    Maria Amiouni is a spiritual teacher and student whose purpose is to help people step into their power and embody their soul’s calling.

    She is a 500-hrs certified yoga teacher in vinyasa flow as well as an integrative health coach specialized in gut & hormonal health. She has several certifications in energy healing and has recently become a Human Design reader.

    She’s been hosting women circles for the last 4 years to encourage women to reconnect to their intuition and take leaps of faith.

  • Natalie Kreidieh

    Natalie Kreidieh

    Nat Kreidieh is the founder of Beit Nat Yoga Studio in Jeddah KSA. She is an energy healer and movement specialist.

    Through yoga, Nat incorporates a method for people to move through energetic blockages, release trauma held in the body and energise using Universal Light! Nat's classes are a reminder to move with love and live gracefully.

  • Alyona & Sheian

    Alyona & Sheian

    Alyona & Sheian are students of the Earth, initiates, walking in reverence of Great Spirit & Nature. They are on a joyful mission to uplift humanity through healing, happiness and harmony using the ancient practices of the sacred traditions of humanity.

    They both have a yoga background, 25 years together. Currently Alyona is a lead teacher on a 500 hour yoga training. Sheian is an entrepreneur creating O’rise while writing a book on meditations after having won awards from the UK government for most Innovative Health Program. They both work privately with a group of people that are deeply committed to transformation and daily practice. Seeing the incredible benefit and need to make daily practice more accessible they are opening a public container open to all on September 22.

    Their relationship blossomed under the guidance of Elder and Teacher, Tutu Yu Abi with whom they have travelled, supporting the building of Conscious heart centred communities around the world. With his guidance they have studied with and supported Indigenous of the earth throughout Europe on tours + festivals. Most recently with the Huni Kuin and Mayans.

  • Alyah Al Jasser

    Alyah Al Jasser

    Alyah is a Mindset Coach and Menstrual Cycle Mentor, who is passionate about guiding women to live purposefully and joyfully, through deep inner work and Cycle Awareness.

  • Sarah Berjaoui

    Sarah is a Human Design and Gene Keys facilitator. She is a guide for self-discovery, empowering individuals to embrace their authentic selves and unlock their full potential. Through a unique blend of family constellation insights and Human Design knowledge, Sarah helps people understand their inherent strengths, navigate life's challenges, and design a life filled with purpose and fulfillment.

  • Alya Alhamad

    Alya Alhamad

    Alya Alhamad is an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and a Personal Development Coach. She is advanced certified in gut health and hormone health, and is also trained to support clients who have disordered eating habits.

    She is a certified Positive Psychology Practitioner, a 3x Yoga Teacher, and a level II Meditation Teacher. Her practice is deeply rooted in the idea of treating an individual as a whole, supporting healing and growth across mind, body, and spirit. It is inspired by her own journey where she struggled with gut and hormone health issues, as well as body image issues and disordered eating in her 20s.

    It’s through her healing journey that she learned so much about mental health, self-love, nutrition, lifestyle, stress management, and more.

  • Haya Yasmeen

    Haya Yasmeen

    Haya Yasmeen Nasser is a Palestinian Traditional Hatha yoga teacher and somatic trauma coach. With a wealth of experience as a TV presenter and producer for a travel show focused on promoting tourism and wellness, Haya has spent many years traveling the globe.

    Her deep curiosity about wellness and her own healing journey inspired her to share these invaluable lessons with others, particularly her community in Palestine. Her introduction to somatic trauma coaching was transformative, as it was the first time she felt truly seen and understood.

    Over the past two years, she has actively studied this field and continues to deepen her knowledge. Through yoga, breathwork, and somatic coaching, Haya aims to help individuals feel safe in their bodies and achieve a more regulated nervous system, an essential need for the people in her region.

  • Hadar Cohen

    Hadar Cohen

    Hadar Cohen is an Arab Jewish scholar, mystic and artist whose work focuses on multi-religious spirituality, politics, social issues, and community building.

    She is the founder of Malchut, a spiritual skill-building school teaching Jewish mysticism and direct experience of God. She teaches and consults in a variety of settings and formats, from one-on-one coaching to online group classes and in-person retreats.

    Her podcast, Hadar’s Web, features community conversations on spirituality, healing, justice, and art. Hadar is a 10th-generation Jerusalemite with lineage roots also in Syria, Kurdistan, Iraq and Iran. Subscribe to her Substack for access to her latest writings, offerings, and media appearances. 

  • Mariam Al Qassimi

    Mariam Al Qassimi

    Mariam Al Qassimi is a kundalini yoga teacher and practitioner of the devotional arts.

    She shares kriya, mantra and study of the Bhagavad Gita with the intention to support students in cultivating and deepening a personal loving relationship with the divine.

    She hosts immersive retreats bringing together Kriya, OM Chanting, mantra practice and ritual. She teaches in-person at Eka Mai, Dubai.

  • Imad Naissi

    Imad Naissi

    Imad is a professionally trained physical therapist with 10 years of experience in treating people with psychosomatic issues. He founded a wellness space in Lebanon and is working in Dubai with wellness centers, and corporate.

    He has learned how to skillfully sense and treat the held back somato-emotional tension in the body by addressing the emotions directly and creating a safe space where a person can fully feel and express themselves, enabling them to tap into their own healing intelligence.

  • Sara Abiqwa

    Sara Abiqwa

    Sara is a self-empowerment coach, a speaker, a podcaster, a believer in the power of the feminine, and a self-awareness advocate. Through her work, Sara is dedicated to helping women discover who they truly are, connect to their natural inner power, and live more intuitively.

    Sara has worked with hundreds of women all over the world, she has worked with schools, universities and companies to spread her message of Self-Awareness and Self-Love.

    “You are where your life starts”

  • Aude Barras

    Aude Barras

    Aude Barras is a seeker of truth and a practitioner of beauty. She is deeply immersed in Śrī Vidyā, a Shakta Tantra lineage, and her life is devoted to the worship of Devī – the Goddess. A student of the arts of beauty, for the past decade she has been under the guidance of many masters throughout the world. Her life is in service guiding people into remembering their divine essence by allowing herself to be a channel for love.

    Her vision is to preserve ancient wisdom by creating temples of beauty to celebrate and honor the arts of the divine feminine, spaces where pleasure is revered as sacred medicine – a safe haven for students and devotees of beauty. All her endeavors are a prayer, an offering to the Divine Mother.

  • Julia Stadler

    Julia Stadler

    Julia is a psychotherapist working in private practice with clients both local to London and internationally. Formally trained at Oxford University, she cites her own (ongoing) journey into her mental, emotional, spiritual, physical & energetic Self as her greatest teacher and guide to integrating multiple modalities and creating an adaptable language that will be most helpful to her clients and others.

    She is passionate about leading her clients back home to themselves, exploring where they are unconsciously restricted by internal narratives, playing out harmful attachment patterns and abandoning their intuition. Because of her own experiences, Julia is particularly interested in the topic of womb health and birth and its correlation with overall consciousness.

    Outside of private practice, Julia, together with a team of experts, have been devoted to bringing people together for transformative retreats featuring the ceremonial use of plant wisdom, Breathwork and combining her professional therapeutic skills to prepare, contain and help integrate her clients experiences. She believes there are many portals to healing & wholeness and feels tremendously lucky to be able to help others discover their unique path.

  • Tony Barrak

    Tony Barrak

    In his explorative journey and years of training and research, Tony found his path for the last decade in the wellness sector, combining many modalities in his arsenal. QiGong and Meditation facilitator, an Intuitive Coach with hypnotherapeutic skills, and a personal trainer.

    His passion for sharing the practices will recharge your body, calm your mind, and awaken your soul.

  • Maya Abou Chedid

    Maya Abou Chedid

    With a background in Biological Sciences and extensive experience in Clinical Research, Maya developed a deep interest in Eastern philosophies and practices, which led her to explore and integrate alternative therapeutic modalities into her life and work since 2009.

    She spent several years in the Amazon jungle, immersing herself in tree dietas and traditional shamanic ceremonies with local Maestros.

    Since 2017, she has been leading Moon Ceremonies, Solstice and Equinox gatherings, and Plant Medicine ceremonies. Her approach to ceremonies, especially those involving Master Plants and Mycelium journeys, is rooted in a strong emphasis on thorough preparation before entering sacred space.

    Her intention is to illuminate what needs to be seen and to support others in discerning and acting from a place of integrity.

  • Dina Ghandour

    Dina Ghandour

    Dina is a Palestinian healer, yogi, and guide based in Dubai, UAE. Over the past decade, she has devoted herself to supporting her community through group yoga classes, wellness retreats, and personalized bodywork sessions, including energy healing and womb massage.

    With a deep passion for nurturing and empowering women through every phase of life, Dina believes that true wellness—and the healing of individual suffering—is intricately connected

  • Caline Malek

    Caline Malek

    Based between Lisbon and Dubai, Caline is a certified mindfulness teacher and Human Design reader and coach. She conducts global readings and coaching sessions to help individuals unlock their potential.

    She is also a Crystal Energy Healer, specialising in chakra realignment.

  • Elie El Hage

    Elie El Hage

    With a rich tapestry of experiences across Africa, Belgium, Canada, and Lebanon, Elie brings a unique perspective to his work.

    Formerly a pilot for 12 years, he now dedicates his life to serving the planet through a diverse range of healing modalities. His journey has led him to explore and integrate music, chanting, and dance, infusing the rhythmic essence of Africa into global practices.

    His mission is to bring back happiness and joy, raise frequencies, and celebrate life through transformative experiences.

