Women’s Circle

200 AED

“A circle of women may just be the most powerful force known to humanity. If you have one, embrace it. If you need one, seek it.
If you find one, for the love of all that is good and holy, dive in.” ― Jeanette LeBlanc 

Women’s circles are an ancient practice where women typically gathered together around a New or Full Moon. The reason behind syncing the circles with the cycles of the Moon is because the Moon herself is considered to be feminine & our cycles are very closely interlinked.

I love hosting these circles at least twice a month whether online or in my Dubai home. It allows me to connect with you in person, to create a community of powerful women, as well as connect to the mysticism of life, set intentions, & let go of what is no longer needed.

Theses spaces are meant to be fluid, to bring balance and harmony to ourselves and the whole around us. 

You can think of the circle as somewhat of a quest. A reawakening. To remember all that you are being asked to remember. To come home to yourself.