A little bit more about…(Pt 2)

A few years into my practice, I decided to do my 200hr Yoga Teacher Training. At first it wasn’t because I wanted to teach others (I actually completely forgot that that’s what the training was for), but because I was passionate about learning more about this practice that changed the course of my life.

I did my training over the course of a year with YogaLondon so that I could continue working my corporate job. It was one of the best, most challenging periods of my life. I was inspired by what I was learning but never did I think to myself “Oh you’re going to love teaching yoga”. I was just doing it to improve my own personal practice and knowledge. The time came when I had to teach the whole class and for the weeks before it, I was so anxious. Me? Teaching 20 people? I hated being in the spotlight nor did I like the sound of my own voice. How was I going to teach others if I didn’t like speaking up loudly in front of a group of people?

I made sure to meditate that morning and I told myself to just do my best. I got to class my heart was beating faster than usual and I felt nervous. However the second I stepped on the mat and we set our intentions I realised that my voice was just a guide. Nobody was looking at me because they’re all in their own practice following their breath and moving to the sound of it. Suddenly I was no longer nervous and I started walking around the room and adjusting some of the students. It was one of those moments where I also felt at one with everyone and everything. I didn’t feel separate from anyone and I felt whole. I knew then and there that teaching would have to be a part of my life. I loved it too much and it felt completely natural to me. I wasn’t faking it, I wasn’t trying too hard to get it right.

I haven’t been teaching much yoga if I’m being honest. I’ve taught a few workshops here and there but I haven’t actually taught as much as I’d like to. There are logistical reasons to it and I wish I could do it more but I am hoping to do more of it this year and to spread my love for yoga with everyone.


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A little bit more about…(Pt 1)