Never underestimate a cycle breaker. Not only did they experience years of generational trauma, but they stood in the face of the trauma and fought to say ‘This ends with me.’ This is brave. This is powerful. This comes at a significant cost. Never underestimate a cycle breaker. — Source: Unknown

To my cycle breakers, healers, mystics, alchemists, & magicians,

You know. You know you’re here to break free from the chains that have been holding you down.

You know your soul’s come here to be free, to experience expansion, and to transform old wounds into wisdom.

To be a cycle breaker is to break free from your conditioning. From your past. It is to rewrite your story, one where you are no longer a victim but the main character.

To be a cycle breaker means to live a life that is authentically yours. To free yourself and be yourself. It is to choose the discomfort and the unknown over and over again. Because you trust, this is the medicine your soul is craving for. You came here to experience, taste and breathe in all that life has to offer.

You feel it. Deep in your bones. “Never again”. Never again will I settle for breadcrumbs. Never again will I hide the truth to keep the peace. Never again will I let fear stop me from sharing my gifts because I doubt my worth. Never again will I be hard on myself if I do fall into these patterns again. This ends with me and I choose to set myself free.

If you’re the One to start the healing in your family, if you feel like the black sheep, if you desire to live a life that is in alignment with your soul, Cycle Breaker is here to help you claim AND share your gifts with the world in this lifetime.

Are you ready to trust your innate power? Are you ready to claim and share your gifts? Are you ready to honor your ancestors gifts to you?

If you are, be ready for a major transformation. Throughout this journey together, you’ll learn to connect with your own spirit guides, rise into your feminine, develop more trust in the unknown so you can break free from old patterns and cycles.

Each week, you will receive new codes to help you work through your blockages as you reclaim your sovereignty.

A Cycle Breaker is an invitation to help you liberate yourself from the chains that are holding you back and down. It is here to remind you who you really are as you claim your gifts and your birth right to be free.

If you trust that everything that has ever happened to you has happened for you and you’re here now, reading this, at this pivotal point in time, right on the edge of the cliff, asking yourself: “Do I jump? What if this is a mistake? What if my wings aren’t ready for take off? How do I know this is it?”, a Cycle Breaker is here to serve your soul as you finally free yourself from the loops and patterns you keep finding yourself in. You are needed in your power, more than ever before.

Course Details

    • Sharpen your psychic sense

    • Reawaken your body’s wisdom

    • Break free from your past conditioning

    • Work with the elements of nature (fire, earth, air, water)

    • Experience higher degrees of freedom, intuition, and love in your life

    • Discover the messages from spirit animals (dragon, eagle, wolf, snake,…)

    • Learn from the different Divine Mother Archetypes (ISIS, Mary Magdalene…)

    • Workbooks and recordings available for each session

    • And many more gems to be revealed as we go on!

  • Week 1: The Initiation (3.3)

    This is where our journey starts together. This session is to mark our devotion as we make a deep commitment to ourselves and the Universe. This is where we state our readiness and plant our prayers for the journey ahead.

    Week 2: The Fire of Purification (10.3)

    The element of Fire has so much wisdom to impart on us. How can fire clear the way for the obstacles ahead? How do we reignite our inner fire and our passion? This session is here to help us burn what needs to be purified to clear out our path.

    Week 3: Wisdom of the Shadow (17.3)

    This session is about shadow work and picking up on the clues it has for us. Instead of repressing our fears, we will learn to see our lives through a more loving and accepting lens.

    Week 4: Soul Retrieval (31.3)

    This session is here to take us back to a specific moment in our lives where we might have left a piece of our soul behind. As we claim our gifts, we must also know when we stopped believing we had any to begin with.

    Week 5: Reawakening the Rebel (7.4)

    To be truly free, one must make up its own rules. This session is here to help you release any people pleasing tendencies so you can find more freedom in activating your soul’s fullest and boldest expression.

    Week 6: The Artist’s Way (21.4)

    To co-create a life that is soul aligned, you have to get out of your own way, and tap into the Artist’s ways. A creative life, is a life brought forth by the loving force of the Divine. How do you know that the story you want to write is greater than the one that wants to be written?

    Week 7: Beat of your Drum (28.4)

    To become so in tune with the whispers of your heart, you begin to dance to its rhythm and trust in its direction. You feel confident about the path you’re on, and have faith in your decisions and direction.

    Week 8: Becoming the Oracle (5.5) BONUS

    There is nothing more powerful than remembering who you are. There is nothing more magical than becoming a stream, a vessel, a channel for the Divine to work its magic through you. This will be our closing ceremony where we will be receiving the many blessings of our time together.

  • It’s been a long time coming for me to get to where I am today. There have been many ups and downs, detours, letting goes and changes. As I can imagine, you have too. Evolved and transformed as you made your way through periods of darkness.

    If you’re reading this right now, there is a part of you that is already feeling curious about what it means to live your life intuitively, purposely, intentionally, sacredly. There is already a part of you that is drawn to living a life that is devoted to service, your soul and God.

    Our spiritual journeys are the most sacred of journeys that we will ever embark on. They are for the heart-led leaders. After almost 10 years of walking this path, I have gathered many tools, learned through different experiences, teachers and healers. I feel so ready to share all that with you.

    When deciding whether this course is for you, there is nothing more powerful than trusting your own intuition and letting yourself be led from the heart.

    Remember, it is called taking a leap of faith, not a leap of logic. Not a leap of pre-calculated steps. Not a leap into the known but the unknown.

    Having faith means believing in something that you cannot yet see, or understand. It means walking a path you have not walked before. It means trying new things. Making different choices. Course correcting and pivoting based on what makes you come alive today.

    A Cycle Breaker is for the courageous, the bold, the brave ones who are ready to reclaim their power by finally breaking free from old patterns and shedding old skin.

  • 360 AED
    One-time payment



Divine Child