Who are you not to be the Highest most Divine & Human version of yourself?
Who are you not to be all that you dream of?

Hello divine, magnificent, & magical being.

When’s the last time you remembered, you too, are a Child of Earth & of the Divine?

A perfect blend of nature’s elements. A miraculous heavenly creation.
Wanted & chosen to be here.
It might have been a while since you let yourself be who you really are.
I don’t mean the “you” you’ve identified with for so long.
The “you” you had to create in order to navigate this world.
The “you” that is tangled up in old energies.
The “you” that is looking for a savior, a knight, a “twin flame”, a healer.

Look in the mirror, you’ll remember. All along you’ve been longing for You.

The One underneath all of the layers, masks, stories, & experiences.
The You seeking to come out & play once again.
The You yearning to claim your birth right.
To be whole is to be holy, to be healthy, to heal, to be full of your Self
To be whole is to marry your Feminine & Masculine energies.
To bridge your Inner Child to your Higher Self.
To integrate your Humanity with your Divinity.

Course Details

    • Develop more self-trust

    • Return to your vibrant Self

    • Experience more freedom & play in your life

    • Reconnect to your Royal Divine Blood Line

    • Recode the blueprints received from your parents

    • Step into a whole new timeline & learn how to hold that frequency

    • Gain better understanding of what feminine & masculine energies are

    • Receive tools to alchemise feelings of abandonment, trust issues, guilt, betrayal, neglect & shame

    • Workbooks & recordings are available for each session

    • And many more gems to be revealed as we go on!

  • Week 1: Ready, Reset & Reflect (19.8)

    This is the opening ceremony. We are coming together to reset. To start again. This is where we make a commitment to sit, ground, & grow stronger roots to rise higher. This is where you make your first contact with the Inner Child.

    Week 2: Restore the Child (26.8)

    In this session you’ll be guided to retrieve the parts of you left behind. We’re going to explore what the roles of the father & mother are & recode them. This is all about bringing your Inner Child back into your heart.

    Week 3: Recovering the blood line (2.9)

    When & where did you forget you are a Child of this Earth & of the Divine? This session is not just about healing the lineages from your parents, but your Royal blood line.

    Week 4: Release your Wild (9.9)

    This is where the energy takes off after 3 weeks of cleansing out old energies. We are going replenish, nourish & release more of our wild. You’re being asked to remember who you were before you were conditioned?

    Week 5: Remember & Return (16.9)

    This is our closing ceremony to remember all that you came here to remember. The word “remember” comes from “member” - meaning flesh, the body. This is to remind you, you belong to the whole. So don’t be long to return back home.

  • My own journey towards the inner child started 4 years ago. I received an email talking about transforming the mother wound & it caught my eye. Something in the words written, spoke to me.

    I’ve followed the thread ever since. It has led me to experience many beautiful miracles. I don’t use this word lightly or throw it around but what else can I call something that leaves you in awe & devotion to service, purpose & soul?

    There were many points where I felt like integration was taking place but it was April this year where I felt the pieces coming together. All the work I’ve been doing on myself for the last 10 years was finally integrating.

    Like pieces of a puzzle coming together, I felt numerous clicks. Again, it’s not that I haven’t felt it before. I have. Just not on this scale. The wounds of worthiness healed by the balm of love. By the face of the Great Mother Herself.

    I could see in real time how my own healing shifted my relationship with my parents. The deepening of our bond. I saw that jumping timelines was not only possible for me, but for them too. Completely fresh & new beginnings. What once was, wasn’t anymore.

    What a blessing to know you can become new again. Baptised. Cleansed of all that was old & heavy. Not because you were ever sinful, bad or wrong, but because it is your Divine Birth right to remember, you are Chosen.

    I may say this about all my courses, but it is unlike anything I’ve birthed before. It is transpiring after a sacred pilgrimage, which will all be shared with you in our sacred & secret container.  

  • 285 AED
    One-time payment



Cycle Breaker