20 things I learned in 2020

The year is soon coming to an end & a new year is fast approaching. Now is a great moment to take the time to reflect on the lessons 2020 has brought us. Here are some of mine: 


  1. Do not fight to be right 

  2. I am whole with or without

  3. Forgiveness is my path to freedom

  4. Rest is not for the wicked. It is for the wise

  5. Trust the signs. There are no coincidences in life

  6. Dance even through the storm, the tears, the depression, the struggle

  7. I am worthy just as I am. Recognizing it is what will allow me to receive

  8. I feel most in love when I surrender deeply to a God of my own understanding

  9. Guilt and shame will take me nowhere. Gratitude and empowering myself will

  10. Sometimes the story that wants to be written is greater than the one you want to write

  11. To love yourself is to listen to your intuition. To listen to your intuition is to love yourself

  12. Release the grip you have on this moment and allow the present moment to transform you

  13. Don’t wait for others to accept you to accept yourself as you are. If you do you may wait forever

  14. It may not be our choice what happens to us, but it’s always a choice how we respond to it

  15. Allow yourself to transform and be unapologetically yourself as you are today, not yesterday

  16. The idea that changing yourself into anything else takes away the opportunity to become who you are

  17. Pay more attention to your soul and what makes it come alive. Pay less attention to what others think of you

  18. It isn’t about you. It is about what flows through you. Your body is merely a vehicle for spirit to flow through you

  19. If you wait for a future event to make you happy, you will always be seeking for something that does not exist

  20. Man’s calamity is God’s opportunity. When life throws you on your knees, it is putting you in the perfect position for prayer 

I would love for you to share your lessons with me in the comments below! 


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