Gluten-Free, Vegan Banana Bread Recipe

Like yoga, getting better at cooking took time and personally, I was never really into it until I did my health coaching course. So when I say that this banana bread/cake recipe is simple, I mean it. If I can do this, you can too. The best part of this is, almost anyone can indulge in this because it’s gluten-free, vegan and refined sugar free. It still tastes so good and definitely worth trying it at home, especially during quarantine.


  • 1 1/2 cups of gluten free flour blend or other non gf option. I use the Bob’s Red Mill Baking Flour

  • 1/2 cup of almond flour (or you can blend almonds after soaking them up and removing the skin). I sometimes like to mix the gf flour with the almond flour together

  • 1 tsp baking powder

  • 1/2 — 1 tsp baking soda

  • 1/2 tsp salt (I use Himalayan salt)

  • almost a cup of coconut sugar (xylitol is also a good option for sugar replacement, you can use honey too if you wish)

  • 1/3 cup coconut oil

  • 2 very ripe bananas (the riper the better)

  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

  • 1/2 cup of nut milk of choice ( I use almond milk) note that you may need to add a bit more milk if the texture is too thick)

  • Optional: add chocolate chips, seeds, fruits, dates, …


1) Start by pre—heating the oven at 180 celsius/350 F

2) Start by having 2 bowls: one for the wet ingredients, the second for the dry ingredients

3) In the first bowl:

  • Mash the 2 bananas with a fork

  • Mix the coconut oil (if the coconut oil is hard, I usually melt it for 10-15secs in the microwave to have a more liquid texture)

  • add the coconut sugar (I don’t like to put too much of it because the bananas are already really sweet)

  • Add vanilla extract

  • Add almond milk

  • I recommend mixing in between each step to make sure the consistency is good

4) In the second bowl:

  • Add the flours

  • Add the baking soda and baking powder

  • Add the salt

5) Combine the first and second bowl together and mix well. You’re looking for a soft consistency but one that is still sticky, not overly liquid or hard (if you find that there’s too much flour, add a bit of almond milk)

6) Optional: Add chocolate chips

7) Pour the mixture into a baking tray. You can add a parchment paper so it doesn’t stick. Sometimes I’ll add a bit of coconut oil into the tray if I don’t add the paper

8) Put it in the oven from 40-45 mins. I usually like to check on it after 20 mins to make sure it’s going well and then again at the 40th min to see that it’s doing okay. Depending on what you prefer, you can choose to cook it for longer if you prefer a harder consistency


28 Life Lessons


The yogi who left her corporate job - part 2