Television vs. New Vision (pt.2)

Most of us who are under 30 years old don’t know a world without information being at our fingertips. For those that are even younger, you never lived in a world without tv, Wi-Fi & technology. To know what is happening in all corners of the world is both a blessing and a tragedy. It is both inspiring and overwhelming. I would like to believe that most of us are aware how the news can impact our emotional & mental wellbeing. However, are we aware that same programming happens when we watch a movie or a show? Are we aware that the same thing happens when we scroll through Instagram? When we see ads in magazines? 


Today, more so than ever before, we’re growing up with “perfect” looking people, “perfect” looking bodies, faces, and outfits. We are growing up with this idea that we have to look a certain way to be admired, to be complimented or accepted. We have this inherent belief that we have to achieve the most in the world to be revered or respected. These deeply rooted beliefs lead us to believing the biggest lie ever that we are unworthy. We think that our achievements or looks are all correlated to being great, exemplary, worthy human beings when that could not be farther away from the truth. 


Nonetheless, a lot of us, myself included, learned that the way we are is not good enough. This is a rabbit hole because this one very false belief leads to so many dead ends. For one, it leads us to people please. Think of it, when you feel like you’re not good enough you try to make people like you so you can feel better about yourself in some twisted way (now tell me how many of you honestly like to kiss a**?) Second, we try so hard to be a certain way all of the time because if we are to be any other way that isn’t the “right” way, we are immediately categorized as “bad” or “lazy”, “unconventional” or “crazy”. Third, we wrongly associate wealth with status, consequently categorizing people as rich, powerful & all-knowing or poor, weak & uneducated. Finally, this belief of not feeling worthy enough stops us from evolving into our higher selves. It halts it because our higher selves already have acceptance. It just innately knows acceptance is always there. It is already programmed to believe that it is worthy. It is already connected to the abundance of love the universe pours out at every single moment. 


Now believe me, no one wants to be truly left out, meaning we all look for acceptance in some way. Whether it’s about being accepted for who we portray ourselves to be or being accepted for who we are, we all want to be accepted. But who better to accept you than you? If you met your future self, your higher self, you would not need this type of reassurance and you’d be able to go on living without others approvals. 


All these labels and beliefs take us further away from the truth of who we actually are. This need to be accepted in order to be worthy is an outdated belief and one that I recommend you work on from now. We’ve been drowning in our stories and patterns for so long that we aren’t aware of the great capacity we all have to be creators. We aren’t “woke” to the fact that we can turn this life, this very life we have right now, into our dream life. We view obstacles and challenges as blocks towards our goals instead of looking at them as a recalibration towards our intended path. We identify ourselves to our past life experiences that we get stuck in a vicious and never-ending circle of suffering & pain.


When I ask you to question what you watch, read and absorb it’s because I want you to be aware of the programing that is occurring & how it affects your current & future realities. This does not mean that all your programing comes from tv or social media. Your conditioning most definitely includes the programing that happened in your actual life. If you aren’t so sure about what I mean by programing, let me explain myself. I mean it’s what you have assimilated throughout all of your life, whether through direct or indirect experiences that left an emotional charge in the body. Direct experiences are the ones you were involved in. They’re the ones where you might have felt small & unworthy or grand & great. They’re the ones that have left a pleasant or unpleasant taste in your mouth or caused your heart to flutter or shatter. They’re the ones that left you speechless and out of breath. They’re the ones you hold on to depict your life story. They’re the ones that are so much a part of you, you might as well make it one of your body parts. You absolutely cannot live without this identification because really who are you without that story of your bleak and dark childhood? Who are you without that tragedy? Ah yes, that’s right. You are everything. You are all. You are the creator of your reality. But that’s not what you’ve been taught because of your programming and conditioning. The indirect experiences are experiences others might have shared with you or things you might have watched that stimulated emotions in you in some way or another.


If you want to move away from tragedy & misery & finally step into creator mode, you’re going to have to figure out what thoughts you’re entertaining. This isn’t an easy task because you have about 60-80 thousand thoughts a day. Of those, 80% are negative thoughts, and 95% are repetitive thoughts. This means what you thought of today, you thought of yesterday and perhaps even last year. This means that in terms of allowing new creative juices to flow into your life, you’re squeezing a juiceless lemon. How can your future be any different to what your present is now if the stream of thoughts coming through are the same?


It isn’t that straightforward to figure out what movie & storyline is playing in your mind. It isn’t straightforward to release the blockages from the body and to let universal energy flow through it. It isn’t always obvious that you are just reliving the patterns of your parents, and their parents before them. However, it is important to start redirecting your focus on what it is you want to see grow & what it is you want to break free from. 



Inner Security vs. Insecurity


Television vs. New Vision (pt.1)